ARES Phishing Platform provides a holistic solution for your organization and offers you the opportunity to raise the awareness of your employees through simulated phishing tests. Classic awareness trainings do not provide enough information nor protection due to increased complexity of phishing attacks.

There are a number of data protection and privacy regulations that now strongly encourage organizations to carry out security measures that comply with national regulations in order to mitigate risk. We act as an official data protection coordinator/officer, we communicate with the authorities for you and we support you in implementing the ISMS guidelines in your company.

In case of a breach or an attack, prompt detection and relevant response are of a critical matter. These procedures are described in an Incident Response Plan (IRP).

ARES Incident Response Readiness Assessment (IRRA) forms a basis for an IRP and/ or analyses of your current IRP. It identifies the potential challenges that might arise within a current organizational context and helps in development of suitable measures for appropriate reaction to cyber attacks.

In order to advance your organisation‘s strengths and ensure that future investments deliver the greatest benefit, you need to understand your weaknesses first.

Our cyber security services give you a comprehensive outlook on the internal and external vulnerabilities your company has and help you prevent cyber attacks based on those vulnerabilities.

Our Services are modular and can be combined or carried out step by step.

    1. Module 1: OSINT
      Open Source Intelligence
    2. Module 2: Vulnerability scan (Extern/Intern)
    3. Module 3: Penetration test
    4. Module 4: Red Team Operations

Although digital transformation has had an enormous impact on business environments, it is creating both opportunities and threats. Larger digital footprint also means a larger public attack surface.

We offer a platform that provides protection for executives and organisations from external threats introduced by social media, deep & dark web, app stores, and collaboration platforms.

ARES Phishing Platform provides a holistic solution for your organization and offers you the opportunity to raise the awareness of your employees through simulated phishing tests. Classic awareness trainings do not provide enough information nor protection due to increased complexity of phishing attacks.

There are a number of data protection and privacy regulations that now strongly encourage organizations to carry out security measures that comply with national regulations in order to mitigate risk. We act as an official data protection coordinator/officer, we communicate with the authorities for you and we support you in implementing the ISMS guidelines in your company.

In case of a breach or an attack, prompt detection and relevant response are of a critical matter. These procedures are described in an Incident Response Plan (IRP).

ARES Incident Response Readiness Assessment (IRRA) forms a basis for an IRP and/ or analyses of your current IRP. It identifies the potential challenges that might arise within a current organizational context and helps in development of suitable measures for appropriate reaction to cyber attacks.

In order to advance your organisation‘s strengths and ensure that future investments deliver the greatest benefit, you need to understand your weaknesses first.

Our cyber security services give you a comprehensive outlook on the internal and external vulnerabilities your company has and help you prevent cyber attacks based on those vulnerabilities.

Our Services are modular and can be combined or carried out step by step.

    1. Module 1: OSINT
      Open Source Intelligence
    2. Module 2: Vulnerability scan (Extern/Intern)
    3. Module 3: Penetration test
    4. Module 4: Red Team Operations

Although digital transformation has had an enormous impact on business environments, it is creating both opportunities and threats. Larger digital footprint also means a larger public attack surface.

We offer a platform that provides protection for executives and organisations from external threats introduced by social media, deep & dark web, app stores, and collaboration platforms.

Coming soon!

We offer a rapidly deployable Incident Response Team with forensic expertise for different cyber incidents. Our experts support you in incident analysis and subsequently in damage mitigation as well as immediate remote support for your IT team, if required also on site.


With our international and national partner-network we are able to provide you the complete operation of sophisticated and high-quality cyber security technologies and services based on your individual needs. 

    1. End User Protection
    2. XDR & Security Automation
    3. SaSE Cloud Architecture (VPN)
    4. Network detection – IDS/IPS as a Service (Intrusion Detection and Prevention)

ARES Security Operations Center (SOC) takes over the complete cyber security within your organization and relives your IT team. ARES SOC is a centralized Cyber Hub for development, continuous monitoring, and improvement of your cyber security. Cyber incidents are simultaneously prevented, mitigated and analyzed.

Coming soon!

We offer a rapidly deployable Incident Response Team with forensic expertise for different cyber incidents. Our experts support you in incident analysis and subsequently in damage mitigation as well as immediate remote support for your IT team, if required also on site.


With our international and national partner-network we are able to provide you the complete operation of sophisticated and high-quality cyber security technologies and services based on your individual needs. 

    1. End User Protection
    2. XDR & Security Automation
    3. SaSE Cloud Architecture (VPN)
    4. Network detection – IDS/IPS as a Service (Intrusion Detection and Prevention)

ARES Security Operations Center (SOC) takes over the complete cyber security within your organization and relives your IT team. ARES SOC is a centralized Cyber Hub for development, continuous monitoring, and improvement of your cyber security. Cyber incidents are simultaneously prevented, mitigated and analyzed.

Coming soon!

Our Cyber Academy – – offers the opportunity to learn not only the basics of cyber security but also more advanced topics such as incident response, penetration testing, forensics, and much more.

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Our Cyber Academy – – offers the opportunity to learn not only the basics of cyber security but also more advanced topics such as incident response, penetration testing, forensics, and much more.

Coming soon!

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Crisis Communication
Reinstatement costs
Production Downtime

Calculate the Cost of Downtime = Number of impacted employees x Average hourly rate x Productivity impact percent.

Example: 100 employees x 50€ per hour x 70% = 3.500€ downtime cost

Calculate Cost of Lost Sales = Average Daily Sales / Total Daily Hours x total downtime hours

Example: 20.000€ per day / 8 hours = 2.500€ sales/hour x 14 downtime hrs = 35.000€ lost sales

Business interruption costs are often five to ten times higher than direct costs.
You’ve accessed the mainframe using a double-handshake attack on the firewall, you need to brute-force the password…